An in-person, outdoor retreat … at last

For months now, the Inside Outside Retreat Centre has been, well, inside.

Lots of online retreats, some in-person and hybrid offerings, but outside?

Not so much.

And so, we are very, very excited to invite you to:

Paths through Time and Nature

Sunday, June 4

10:00 am – 2:30 pm EDT

in Toronto’s beautiful High Park

This will be one lovely retreat. A chance to stop, refresh yourself and enjoy a little refuge without leaving the city.

Paths take us forward but they also take us back into the past and into ourselves. ~ Geoff Nicholson

You can find more information and register here.

Pay What You Can.

If you’ve been following us, you may remember that we have another online micro-retreat coming up very soon. We keep these online retreats small and there are only a few spots left.

Reciprocity happens Monday, May 8, 7:00 – 8:15 pm EDT on Zoom. The hour and a quarter together will include:

  • guided mindfulness meditation
  • inspiring texts from wise women Robin Wall Kimmerer, Rebecca Solnit, Michelle Obama and others
  • protected time to reflect on what it means to each of us personally to live in reciprocity with each other and the planet
  • respectful listening and sharing to honour each other’s wisdom

Pay What You Can

Register here

You may also remember we were planning another 6 session retreat: Wildness, Enchantment & Hope. After much thought, we’ve decided to postpone this unique retreat and reschedule it for the fall. We’ll be sure to keep you apprised of the dates, times and location. Yes! We are hoping this retreat can be an in-person, residential retreat.

In the meantime, we hope you’ll continue to stay in touch through this newsletter or join us for Reciprocity or Paths through Time and Nature

Contact Us

We are settlers on Treaty 13 Land, the traditional territories of many Indigenous Nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples, and home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples from across Turtle Island. We are committed to honouring the history this land bears witness to, responding to the 94 Calls to Action of the  Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and walking lightly on the Earth. A portion of proceeds from all our offerings are sent to:  The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and The Nii’kinaaganaa Foundation.

The Inside Outside Retreat Centre, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), 720 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M5S2R4