The Inside Outside Retreat Centre logo, a trail marker blaze within a circle.
Logotype for the Inside Outside Retreat Centre.

Listen to your heart and mind.

About The Inside Outside Retreat Centre

The Inside Outside Retreat Centre is grounded in values of generosity and reciprocity, and the belief that each one of us is our own best teacher. When we are given a supportive space and time to listen closely to our own hearts and minds, we can find the wisdom we need.

Our simple, gentle guidelines – Welcome, Listen, Wonder – ensure our retreats and programs offer an inviting reflective space to ponder the questions, challenges and opportunities that arise on our path and allow us to listen and respond to others with kindness and compassion.

Sometimes we know what we want, we even know what we have to do, and yet the journey to align actions and beliefs often presents unexpected twists and turns. Our retreats offer protected time to nourish your spirit and reflect on your life’s path.

We’ll hold the space for you or your group to see things clearly, build on your strengths, align your work and your values, and walk your path with grace and integrity.
Photo of blue and brown steel bridge moving outwards from the viewer, into a lush forest.

From Our Participants:

“It was an excellent way to take stock of where I am. After the sessions I feel like I can give myself permission to do things for me without the guilt. Thank you.”

This was a very positive, nourishing and sweet experience. I was doubtful of spending  time online, but I’m so glad I listened to my intuition which was to join in this retreat.”
“I welcomed the silences that the retreat invited because it is often through these very silences that we learn the most about who we are and how we are in relation to those around us.”
“I look upon the retreat as essentially a “re-treat”: the chance to offer myself some mindful and embodied nourishment in recognition of what has gradually gone depleted; the opportunity to take a step back before being able to take a step forward.”

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    Contact Us

    We are settlers on Treaty 13 Land, the traditional territories of many Indigenous Nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples, and home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples from across Turtle Island. We are committed to honouring the history this land bears witness to, responding to the 94 Calls to Action of the  Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and walking lightly on the Earth. A portion of proceeds from all our offerings are sent to:  The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and The Nii’kinaaganaa Foundation.

    The Inside Outside Retreat Centre, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), 720 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M5S2R4