The Inside Outside Retreat Centre logo, a trail marker blaze within a circle. Courage & Renewal ® Courage Retreats, Circle of Trust ®, Courage to Teach ® image.
Logotype for the Inside Outside Retreat Centre. Courage & Renewal ® Courage Retreats, Circle of Trust ®, Courage to Teach ® image.

Our Path


one day, silence will be seen as medicine.   Kind of takes my breath away. You? Read it again.   Silence as medicine. Right?  

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Pyjamas & Cheetos

I don’t know about you, but it feels like everywhere I turn right now there are admonishments, encouragements and gentle suggestions to start fresh, set

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Why Solitude

A lone rock in a field. A sax blowing once and letting the silence move in. ~Stephen Nachmanovitch, The Art of Is. p 177   Why

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Embracing Uncertainty

November 4, 2023   Our hearts are heavy. So many troubles in the world. Grief. Confusion. Uncertainty.   Whether we are directly impacted by current

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A change in season

The shift from one season to next is definitely underway here in Toronto. The mornings and evenings are cool (so good for sleeping) and the

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17,000 Steps

 There has been a great deal of turmoil and busy-ness in my life these past few weeks. I was craving connection to the ground beneath

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Wildness, Enchantment & Hope

Wildness, Enchantment & Hope: Deepening Our Engagement with Nature is now available as an online retreat. It will consist of four, two-and-a-half hour sessions spread out

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The story of us

We started out in a living room. A group of friends sorting through the transitions and dilemmas arising in our lives. We’d begin with a

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Savouring Summer

Isn’t one of the things we love about summer the chance to slow down, take it easy, and read something just for the pure enjoyment

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In the midst of summer

Here in the northern hemisphere we are in the midst of summer, and there have been some challenges. The long days have frequently been suffused

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Pluck the Day

One of my favourite pieces of life advice comes from a (perhaps) unexpected source. A baseball player. Look, I do have some inner tension about

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Walking the path, II

“Paths are the story of humans journeying on foot. They have a beginning, a middle and an end. They point forward toward the journey’s goal

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Walking the path, I

Have you noticed the increasing interest in walking?   Articles, books, medical research.   Did you know 11 minutes of walking very well may decrease

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Living with Paradox

April 20, 2023 Living with Paradox If you’ve attended one of our retreats, you’ll know we almost always begin with a Land Acknowledgement. You’ll see

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Is it just me?

April 13. 2023   Lately I’ve been feeling like there is a lot of noise out there. ​ Seems like everywhere I turn someone’s offering

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March 23, 2023 If you’ve been following us for a while you may have heard us talk about self-care, that it is never selfish, it’s

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Spring Cleaning

March 16, 2023 For a good part of my adult life, I have been pretty grouchy about the arrival of spring, vibing more with T.S.

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March 11, 2023 I don’t often listen to audiobooks, but I’ve been listening to Solitude: A Singular Life in a Crowded World, by Michael Harris. There’s

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Sweet Dreams

I’m a big fan of Jennifer Piercy, a yoga nidra specialist with some excellent sleep-inducing meditations on the Insight Timer app. I tune into Jennifer

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    Contact Us

    We are settlers on Treaty 13 Land, the traditional territories of many Indigenous Nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples, and home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples from across Turtle Island. We are committed to honouring the history this land bears witness to, responding to the 94 Calls to Action of the  Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and walking lightly on the Earth. A portion of proceeds from all our offerings are sent to:  The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and The Nii’kinaaganaa Foundation.

    The Inside Outside Retreat Centre, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), 720 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M5S2R4